Reposting this BloombergBusinessweek article (by Garrett Graff) for your enjoyment because it's hands-down one of the best things I've read. It's a medium-long read but simultaneously hilarious and intriguing- a look into the REAL spy world containing some very weird people.
LINK: The Spy Who Added Me on LinkedIn
Spoiler 1: It never actually says that anyone added anyone else on LinkedIn.
Spoiler 2: Contains just a little bit of censored strong language.
Spoiler 3: I love that the Russian spies were recorded complaining that their jobs weren't very James Bond-ish. #relatable
Spoiler 4: This article really highlights the patience of organizations based in less democratic countries. As Americans if we haven't gotten anywhere concrete after two years we're bored- we're halfway to the next president! No way would we just work a cover job for decades with no specific goal other than the potential to get something useful after building deep trust. Russia's old. Russia can wait. America's a baby country compared to Russia.
Spoiler 5: It was very nice of the FBI to take the guy's groceries home after arresting him.
Spoiler 6: My appreciation for journalism has just leapt tremendously. There are lots of boring journalists online, just like there are lots of boring novelists on Wattpad. Then there are excellent writers who include all the right details to drag you into their story. I know so much more about Wall Street and international espionage than I ever thought of before, and the entire time I read this account I could hardly believe it was all true. I promise this article is better than anything original I could have thrown together for you in an afternoon. Hope you enjoy the read!
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