Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kitchen Sink

"are you searching for purpose?
then write something, yeah it might be worthless
then paint something then, it might be wordless
pointless curses, nonsense verses
you'll see purpose start to surface"
 I think a lot about the Twenty One Pilots logo, |-/. The singer/songwriter Tyler Joseph has explained that the whole point is in NOT sharing exactly what |-/ means to him. He can find his reason to continue living in the knowledge that once he is gone, there will be no one to explain what it means. Identifying that much and no more is his way of reminding others to create something uniquely theirs that no one will be able to replicate.

Each of us is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece created by God, and that is reason enough for each of us to be worthy of continued living, but sometimes we forget. Sometimes it takes more to convince us. Making something of our own can be our way of grasping the fact that we each have something to offer the world that no one else can.

I made my own symbol. I won't tell you what it means, only that it reminds me how I survive every trial. Go make your own.

Stay alive, friends.

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